Responsible Farming

The Santa Maria Farm stands out as a rural enterprise that promotes responsible production, both in livestock and in agriculture, with the adoption of the principles of Animal Welfare (BEA) and the Agrosilvopastoral System.

Furthermore, the farm invests in the genetic improvement of its animals and good environmental management within its limits, with emphasis on the Santa Maria Ecological Corridor and the Private Natural Heritage Reserve.

This project has already gained international recognition for its sustainability proposal. In the case of the Agrosilvipastoril system, it promotes the symbiotic relationship among trees, pastures and cattle. Also noteworthy is a dedicated area maintained on the farm for planting eucalyptus, especially in the contour lines, which prevents soil degradation within a sustain – able and responsible land use strategy.

Did you know?

While pastures provide food for the animals, livestock produces fertilizer for the regeneration of the pasture itself and for agricultural production on the farmland. The green area, with forest reserves and eucalyptus plantations, prevents soil degradation and promotes shading spaces and shelter for cattle, attaining Animal Welfare (BEA).