Ecological Corridor
The Santa Maria Ecological Corridor promotes connectivity between the protected areas of the Iguaçu National Park, the Santa Maria Farm RPPN and the Itaipu Lake protected area.
The implementation of the Ecological Corridor allows the flow of biodiversity between the matrix areas and, as a result, the genetic enrichment of species. Scientific research supports the effectiveness of this project through records of additional land occupation by fauna that previously roamed only the interior of the Iguaçu National Park.
The positive impact of the project is also observed in the restoration of vegetation with older areas currently showing forest physiognomy as well as in the conservation of rivers.
The Santa Maria Corridor is also an important link for the Tri-National Biodiversity Corridor, which includes conservation areas in the Province of Missiones in Argentina, Itaipu Binacional in Paraguay and public and private Conservation Units in Brazil present along the Paraná rivers and Iguaçu.