The Caminhos da Conservação Institute is closely related to the Santa Maria Ecological Corridor and the Private Natural Heritage Reserve, RPPN, both of which are initiatives of the Santa Maria Farm.
The partners involved in the project began negotiations at the end of the 1990s, when the owners of Fazenda Santa Maria took part in a defense action for the environment and registered a portion of the forest totaling 242 hectares as a reserve, giving the area the status of Perpetual Conservation Unit, on private land.
In 2001, the Brazilian Institute for the Environment (IBAMA) declared the area comprising of the Apepú and Bonito River basins, the Fazenda Santa Maria Private Natural Heritage Reserve, the farm itself, and the protected areas of Lake Itaipu as an ecological corridor.
The foundation of Caminhos da Conservação Institute is closely related to the Santa Maria Ecological Corridor and the Private Natural Heritage Reserve, RPPN, both of which are initiatives of the Santa Maria Farm.
The partners involved in the project began negotiations at the end of the 1990s, when the owners of Fazenda Santa Maria took part in a defense action for the environment and registered a portion of the forest totaling 242 hectares as a reserve, giving the area the status of Perpetual Conservation Unit, on private land.
In 2001, the Brazilian Institute for the Environment (IBAMA) declared the area comprising of the Apepú and Bonito River basins, the Fazenda Santa Maria Private Natural Heritage Reserve, the farm itself, and the protected areas of Lake Itaipu as an ecological corridor.
Defend and conserve its natural heritage and the biodiversity.